The Spring in Japan is when new things start. Many people start their new jobs, students move into their new classes, and the Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom. I think this is one of the most beautiful times in Japan. The beauty of Cherry Blossoms surrounding Matsue...
Window on the Rich Crafts of Shimane

Window on the Rich Crafts of Shimane

Shimane has a long tradition of high-quality craftwork, including ceramics and lacquerware. A great place to learn about these traditional local crafts is the Tezen Museum in Izumo. Located a short walk from Izumo Taisha, the museum preserves a treasure trove of art...
Look out below!

Look out below!

    Are you tired of sitting under your heated blanket and endlessly scrolling through your phone? Are you looking for some winter fun? Then why not take a day trip and visit one of Shimane`s ski areas? Both Kotobiki Forest Park in Iinan and Miinohara ski area in...
Shimane Spotlight – Onsen Guide

Shimane Spotlight – Onsen Guide

The translation for onsen is hot spring. In America, we have hot springs, but we do not have anything like onsen. I think onsen is more accurately translated as a hot-spring public bath. I still remember feeling uncomfortable the first time I went to an onsen. The...
Escape To Unnan’s Most Beautiful Waterfalls

Escape To Unnan’s Most Beautiful Waterfalls

Need to take a break from city life? Want to get some exercise in nature? Want to cool down? Why not check out Unnan’s waterfalls? There are numerous waterfalls you can visit in Unnan just south of Izumo and Matsue. If you only have time to check out one though I...